
various tidbits.

Hello there.

My day consisted of:

-Waiting for it to rain.

-Slowly but surely learning to play Clair de Lune on the piano. I'd been watching these tutorials. and was just about at bar 4 when my internet failed me. Idiot.

-Doing laundry, but being too negligent to hang it up properly.

-Transforming my once-blindingly-white unworn Keds into an artistic masterpiece with the help of a friend and a 16-pack of sharpies. They're only half done, but what is done is über cool. Tragically, my camera has been dysfunctional for about a year now, and no amount of fussing thus far has rendered it usable. Not that it's worth fussing with anyway. You can count the pixels from ten feet away. I really, really, really, really, really (really?) need a new one. But you need to see the awesomeness NOW, so grainy Photobooth pictures will have to suffice.

-And, finally, watching Awake, which is an amazing movie. Okay, I only watched it because Hayden Christensen was in it. And he was even more of a dreamboat than usual, if that were possible.

If you're unlucky enough to not know who Hayden Christensen is, he's the babe from the Star Wars prequels (but I only liked him in Episode III, because he had amazing hair until it all tragically got burned off when he turned into Darth Vader,) and Jumper, and Life As A House, and Awake... If you're pathetic and have never seen any of those movies, this is what you're missing:

Now go watch all of those movies and see how much hotter and more gorgeous he is than any photo can do him justice, and consider yourself enlightened. You're welcome.
Oh by the way, my Hayden obsession is not going away anytime soon, and some of that obsession may or may not leak out here... just saying. You might want to be prepared.

Aside from that, I have serious (serious? haha..ha..ha) matters to address concerning this blog. At the moment, it doesn't really appear to be going anywhere. Although, for the time being, I'm happy to ramble on about nothing, it'd be nice to have some specific direction to ramble towards. I was really into fashion when I was younger, and I still follow a few blogs about it. Now I dress mostly boring, though, so running a fashion blog might be kind of hypocritical, you know? Then again, it would give me incentive to put a little more thought into how I dress.

I'm giving this blog a chance to become cool and funny and artsy and interesting. But so far, it appears to be an infinite rant about my life and obsessions. I could do the whole fashion/culture thing and still go off on rants about my life and obsessions, just as long as what I post is, you know, relevant. Focusing completely on fashion would be difficult. My life would still find its way onto this blog, somehow.

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Greetings, Earthling. I see you found my blog worthy of your comment >.> This pleases me.